#Candles4Assange Vienna

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#Candles4Assange Vienna

We are a politically independent grassroots group standing and working together in solidarity with the global #FreeAssange movement to inform the public about Julian Assange, his groundbreaking work with WikiLeaks and the torturous treatment bestowed upon him for his award winning Journalism. To show our opposition to his imprisonment and demand that he is freed and can return to his family.

Wöchentliche Mahnwache für die Freiheit des Journalisten Julian Assange
Mittwochs von 17 bis 19 Uhr, Stephansplatz, Wien.
“Wir müssen unsere eigenen Netzwerke von Stärke und gegenseitigem Wert bilden, die diese Stärken und eigennützigen Werte der Kriegstreiber in diesem Land und in anderen Ländern in Frage stellen können” ~ Julian Assange

Weekly Vigil Advocating for the Freedom of Journalist Julian Assange
Wednesdays, 5 – 7 pm, Stephansplatz, Vienna.

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Events from this group

Mahnwache für Julian Assange #WeAreAllAssange

Stephansplatz Stephansplatz, Vienna, Austria

'We must form our own networks of strength and mutual value which can challenge those strengths and self-interested values of the war mongers in this country and in others' ~ #JulianAssange Trotz ein Auruf von Nils Melzer der am Montag an die britischen Behörden appellierte, Julian während des US-Auslieferungsprozesses freizulassen oder unter bewachten Hausarrest zu stellen. […]

#FreeAssangeNOW THE VERDICT Global Protest

Stephansplatz Stephansplatz, Vienna, Austria

On Monday January 4th, 2021 Judge Baraister will announce her verdict and decide the fate of Julian Assange together with that of investigative journalism. Depending on the judge's decision, we will either celebrate or reinforce our call to #FreeAssangeNOW! We look forward to seeing you! Am Montag 04.01.2021 wird Richterin Baraister ihr Urteil verkünden und […]

Vigil for Julian Assange – Vienna #BailAssangeUK

Stephansplatz Stephansplatz, Vienna, Austria

The legal status of #JulianAssange is still uncertain. Judge Baraister has decided that he will not be extradited to the USA. But he's still in Belmarsh Prison. The US is appealing the judge's decision, if he is not released on bail, the appeal can last for years and Julian could be held in Belmarsh until […]